FT2019-001: 2019-2020
Evaluation of IGF-2 in a rat model of AS. Primary Investigator: K. Nash Summary: The overall objective of the proposal is to evaluate whether insulin-like gr
Evaluation of IGF-2 in a rat model of AS. Primary Investigator: K. Nash Summary: The overall objective of the proposal is to evaluate whether insulin-like gr
ATFs 2.0: UBE3A activation without SNORD inhibition Primary Investigator: D. Segal Dr. Segal’s past work on Artificial transcription factors (ATFs) sho
Evaluation of IGF-2 and IGF-2 receptor ligand (L1) in a rat model of AS on the EEG and seizure phenotype Primary Investigator: A. Anderson Previous studies b
Evaluation of the rASO in the rad model of AS Primary Investigator: J. Silverman The objective of this grant is to evaluate the behavioral rescue in a rat mo
Evaluation of rASO in a rat model of AS. Primary Investigator: K. Nash The use of ASOs to interrupt the paternal UBE3a allele silencing through antisense inh
Evaluation of the rASO in the rad model of AS on the EEG and seizure phenotype Primary Investigator: A. Anderson The objective of this grant is to evaluate w
Pilot feasibility of an enzyme replacement therapy for Angelman syndrome. Primary Investigator: D. Segal, J. Anderson A non-permanent treatment for genetic d
Translational Research in a Pig Model of Angelman Syndrome Primary Investigator: S. Dindot Dr. Scott Dindot is using an AS pig model to develop, test, and va